Himalayan Leucogranites, December 2024, Vol. 20, No. 6
$20.00Himalayan leucogranites crop out intermittently over 2000 km along the Himalayan crest in the Himalayan-Tibetan plateau. They constitute some of the most well-studied granites in the world. They are considered to be purely crustal-derived melts and indicators of collisional orogenesis, and have greatly improved our general understanding of crustal anatexis, differentiation of felsic magmas, and tectonic evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen.
Behind and Beyond Luminescence Imaging, October 2024, Vol. 20, No. 5
$20.00Luminescence-based optical or SEM images are increasingly used in Earth sciences research. Examples include formation and post-growth history of minerals from their internal textures, taking into account multiple interior regions of complex crystals. For such simple approaches it is actually unnecessary to understand the particular causes of emissions.
The Invisible Ocean: Hydrogen in the Deep Earth, August 2024, Vol. 20, No. 4
$20.00Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and its distribution, transfer, and speciation in the deep Earth remain a fascinating topic of ongoing research. We review the most notable discoveries constraining the H cycle in the deep Earth. This includes new methods for detecting hydrogen, insights into the size of deep reservoirs, and new constraints from inclusions in ultradeep diamonds.
Cratons to Continents, June 2024, Vol. 20, No. 3
$20.00Archean continental crust is present on every continent, but does not constitute a dominant part of any continent’s surficial exposures. Nevertheless, Archean cratons are the longestlived coherent physical structures on earth.
Metamorphic Duality in SW Japan—The Sanbagawa-Ryoke Classic Example of Paired Metamorphism, April 2024, Vol. 20, No. 2
$20.00Subduction, where one plate dives beneath another, controls longterm wholeEarth cycling of rocks, fluids and energy. Plates subduct faster than they heat up, making them the coldest parts of the Earth’s interior.
Extraterrestrial Organic Matter, January 2024, Vol. 20, No. 1
$20.00Extraterrestrial organic matter is found in various extraterrestrial environments and in various forms. It forms in a variety of locations through different mechanisms in space.